Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is Good about July?

I searched the internet today to find out about July. It seems to be an unremarkable month for me.

The first thing that caught my eye was “I forgot Day” on July 2nd. It appears this is a day to do one of two things 1) just forget things on this day, or 2) offer up cards of “I’m Sorry” because “I Forgot” – a blanket I forgot so I’m sorry for all those things I forgot. I like this day. It might rehabilitate my overall dislike for July.

When I was a kid we took one day a year off for vacation – July 4th. We got up even earlier than usual on our farm to tend to our chores, load the car with goodies and fishing gear then drive to the next farm 3 over and help them do their chores, gather them up along with all their goodies and meet up with two other families who had done the same thing. Then we drove about one hundred miles to a place above Ellensburg called Colockum Pass. We drove off-roads up to a place where there was hopefully a little creek that filled a small pool where we could put our cold foods and set up a day camp.

We kids were sent off to run to the top of the nearest peak and back again and by that time, breakfast was sizzling on our huge cast iron griddle. After breakfast the men and older boy (my brother) would take fishing poles and gear and go off “fishing”. Most years the only fish caught were by the little kids playing in or around the food cooling pool.

We played, fished ate, made ice cream, had a four-family baseball game in the nearby cow pasture using dried cow-pies for bases. There was often a bull either in that field or near it so we had to watch out for hecklers in the form of a bull.

What was most wonderful for me and I wouldn’t know it until we no longer went on that vacation was that on that day July 4th there were no fireworks, no sounds of loud things blowing up, no fear of fire, no fire trucks or ambulance sirens, just lots of wind and sun and fun.

My girl friend/neighbor’s dad, Russell who was about one-third the size of our boy friends’/neighbor’s dad, Del could eat Del’s weight in home-made ice cream. My dad told the best stories and he and I remembered all the words to the songs we liked to sing. My mom and brother remembered the tune to those songs, thankfully.

Everyone shone at baseball and the bull didn’t scare us farm folk one bit. After a full day of fun and sun, we packed it all up, drove home, left everyone off at their farms and returned to ours for evening milking and more chores before bedtime.

I don’t live in a quiet place like that now and haven’t for years, hence my dislike of the 4th of July. I used to go into the mountains for the day to get away from the racket. It was always a toss-up who disliked the noise the most – me or the dogs. So I always took them and my cat too.

I’ve found though that the 4th’s revelers have all moved into the mountains too. They don’t seem to care or know that the fire-crackers the set off cause forest fires and kill the animals and maybe even people. This year I’ve moved back into a more metropolitan area and so can’t run away to quiet from the fireworks. So June 30th I picked up the DVD’s I checked out from the local library and with earphones in place I intend to spend that day as far away as PBS mysteries can take me.

I’ll always have the memories of our annual vacation day and know that the 2nd is I Forgot Day.

According to my internet searching July is also the month of:
Disobedience Day
• Vanilla Ice Cream Day
• Ratcatcher’s Day
• Peach Ice Cream Day
• Fool’s Paradise Day
• Cow Appreciation Day

Well, that all fits in with my happy memories of at least the 4th of July. So maybe I need to revamp my dislike of the entire month just because one or two weeks of it are angry, loud, and dangerous.

I am also reminded that “it” is all good and every day’s a holiday if I just look at it that way.

This month a dear friend is moving into new digs, all my Kith and Kin seem to be well and happy and we are all one.

I’m reminded we are all one because the Seventh Universal Law is the Law of Compensation which gives us proof of the results of our actions. It is the law of rewards and blessings. It works with the Law of Cause and Effect. Here we receive in direct proportion to the energy around our thinking and doing.

The Universe always says “Yes!” so if I’m thinking of how my life is filled with bad things, then I’ll get more bad things and if I’m thinking about how full of abundance and joy my life is that is what I’ll receive more of. And in this month of the Law of Compensation – it’s all about the energy. The more we give the more we can receive.

Oh, and according to my sources, the first Sunday in July which is the 3rd this year is Build a Scarecrow Day. So have a great day building the one scarecrow that is so scary the crows won’t sit on it. And enjoy a lovely garden.

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